Account Creation Tool users

Detail report for user: JoeGazz84

User ID:
User Level
User on-wiki name:
User last active:
2012-09-02 12:37:11 (a long time ago)

Summary of user activity:

Approved 4
Banned 1
BreakReserve 2
Dropped 3
Created! 1
Too Similar 2
Taken 1
Password Reset 1
Closed custom - Not created 1
Declined 1
Deferred to users 6
Demoted 1
Edited 2
Promoted 7
Renamed 5
Reserved 14
Suspended 1
Unbanned 2
Unreserved 4

Users created

  1. Rllvese ( talk - contribs - zoom ) at 2010-11-21 19:59:17

Users not created

  1. Rllvese ( talk - contribs - zoom ) at 2010-11-21 23:48:50
  2. JoeGazz85 ( talk - contribs - zoom ) at 2010-11-22 01:27:14
  3. ADDIHOCKEY10SUCKS ( talk - contribs - zoom ) at 2010-12-14 01:09:48
  4. JoeGazz85 ( talk - contribs - zoom ) at 2011-01-01 14:10:04
  5. JoeGazz84 ( talk - contribs - zoom ) at 2011-01-26 21:05:21
  6. Abort_request_test ( talk - contribs - zoom ) at 2011-03-05 14:22:06
  7. Abort_request_test ( talk - contribs - zoom ) at 2011-03-05 14:24:03
  8. User-agent_escaping_test ( talk - contribs - zoom ) at 2011-03-28 23:01:57

Account log

Timestamp User Action Comment
2020-05-18 19:01:11 (5 years ago) [Community] changed roles Removed [], Added [user] with comment: Initial migration
2012-10-16 21:39:24 (a long time ago) DeltaQuad suspended Left the project or is inactive. Please contact an admin to reenable.
2011-03-28 22:55:13 (a long time ago) Dusti promoted to tool admin
2011-03-28 22:54:21 (a long time ago) Dusti demoted from tool admin Demoting when you don't have actual authority to demote. Please ask for re-promotion in 2 hours.
2010-12-07 21:39:48 (a long time ago) renamed Renamed 'Joe_Gazz84' to 'JoeGazz84'.
2010-12-07 21:38:23 (a long time ago) JoeGazz84 renamed Renamed 'JoeGazz84' to 'Joe_Gazz84'.
2010-11-21 19:32:49 (a long time ago) 1234r00t promoted to tool admin
2010-11-21 19:32:25 (a long time ago) 1234r00t approved