Account Creation Tool users

Detail report for user: AA Test

User ID:
User Level
User on-wiki name:
User last active:
2010-12-24 08:18:39 (a long time ago)

Summary of user activity:

Approved 1
Promoted 1

Users created

Users not created

Account log

Timestamp User Action Comment
2020-05-18 19:01:11 (5 years ago) [Community] changed roles Removed [], Added [user] with comment: Initial migration
2012-10-13 14:12:46 (a long time ago) FlightTime suspended Inactive for 45 or more days. Please contact a tool admin if you wish to come back.
2011-01-13 04:12:03 (a long time ago) Ancient Apparition renamed Renamed 'ZOMGZ' to 'AA Test'.
2011-01-09 21:22:18 (a long time ago) changed user preferences
2011-01-09 21:22:00 (a long time ago) changed user preferences
2011-01-09 21:21:00 (a long time ago) approved
2011-01-09 21:20:29 (a long time ago) suspended testing
2011-01-09 21:18:48 (a long time ago) demoted from tool admin testing
2011-01-09 21:18:29 (a long time ago) promoted to tool admin
2011-01-09 21:18:08 (a long time ago) renamed Renamed 'Testy' to 'ZOMGZ'.
2011-01-09 20:32:11 (a long time ago) renamed Renamed 'AA Test' to 'Testy'.
2010-12-26 23:06:52 (a long time ago) FunPika approved
2010-12-24 15:26:09 (a long time ago) DeltaQuad suspended Ban evasion by using multiple accounts; original ban by AlexandrDmitri: The sandbox is for testing ACC features and bugs, not for playing MMORG.
2010-12-22 05:55:50 (a long time ago) Ancient Apparition promoted to tool admin
2010-12-22 05:55:24 (a long time ago) Ancient Apparition renamed Renamed 'Joe Smith' to 'AA Test'.
2010-11-28 20:37:40 (a long time ago) ÅđďĨĦõĈĸęŸ10 approved
2010-11-28 20:36:49 (a long time ago) ÅđďĨĦõĈĸęŸ10 suspended test
2010-11-20 23:33:07 (a long time ago) Ancient Apparition demoted from tool admin This is my test account
2010-11-02 23:26:20 (a long time ago) Ancient Apparition promoted to tool admin
2010-11-02 23:26:02 (a long time ago) Ancient Apparition changed user preferences
2010-11-01 08:57:21 (a long time ago) Ancient Apparition approved
2010-11-01 08:57:03 (a long time ago) Ancient Apparition renamed Renamed 'Fridae'sDoom' to 'Joe Smith'.
2010-11-01 08:56:17 (a long time ago) Ancient Apparition suspended Blah
2010-11-01 08:56:01 (a long time ago) Ancient Apparition approved