Previous HEAD position was e6172a8b Select only users with user.status=Active HEAD is now at eba3b03d Bump squizlabs/php_codesniffer from 3.10.0 to 3.10.1 Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev) Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform. Package operations: 0 installs, 6 updates, 0 removals - Downloading fortawesome/font-awesome (6.5.2) - Downloading paragonie/constant_time_encoding (v2.7.0) - Downloading php-amqplib/php-amqplib (v3.6.2) - Downloading phpunit/phpunit (9.6.19) - Downloading smarty/smarty (v4.5.3) - Downloading squizlabs/php_codesniffer (3.10.1) - Upgrading fortawesome/font-awesome (6.5.1 => 6.5.2): Extracting archive - Upgrading paragonie/constant_time_encoding (v2.6.3 => v2.7.0): Extracting archive - Upgrading php-amqplib/php-amqplib (v3.6.1 => v3.6.2): Extracting archive - Upgrading phpunit/phpunit (9.6.18 => 9.6.19): Extracting archive - Upgrading smarty/smarty (v4.5.1 => v4.5.3): Extracting archive - Upgrading squizlabs/php_codesniffer (3.9.1 => 3.10.1): Extracting archive Generating autoload files 43 packages you are using are looking for funding. Use the `composer fund` command to find out more! changed 1 package, and audited 21 packages in 2s 4 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details found 0 vulnerabilities npm notice npm notice New major version of npm available! 9.8.0 -> 10.8.1 npm notice Changelog: npm notice Run `npm install -g npm@10.8.1` to update! npm notice > waca@1.0.0 build-scss > ./node_modules/.bin/sass --style=compressed resources/scss/bootstrap-alt.scss:resources/generated/bootstrap-alt.css resources/scss/bootstrap-main.scss:resources/generated/bootstrap-main.css resources/scss/bootstrap-auto.scss:resources/generated/bootstrap-auto.css resources/scss/public.scss:resources/generated/public.css DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ node_modules/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() node_modules/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 16:9 @import resources/scss/_common.scss 23:9 @import resources/scss/bootstrap-alt.scss 79:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ node_modules/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() node_modules/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 16:9 @import resources/scss/_common.scss 23:9 @import resources/scss/bootstrap-main.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ node_modules/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() node_modules/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 16:9 @import resources/scss/public.scss 13:9 root stylesheet